A mixed group of Syrian and Afghan refugees try to swim to safety after the inflatable boat they were crossing from Turkey to Lesbos in burst and began to deflate 100m offshore.

As the sun goes down a group of mainly Syrian refugees arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean from Turkey.

Two young men from Syria embrace each other and cry tears of relief after reaching the Greek island of Lesbos late at night after crossing the Mytilini straits from Turkey in a inflatable boat.

35-year-old Syrian refugee Susan from Aleppo collapses from sea-sickness and fatigue after crossing the Aegean from Turkey to Lesbos with her husband and 3 children.

A group of mainly Syrian refugees arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean from Turkey.

Syrian refugee Asmaa holds her 6-month old baby Osman while her 5-year-old boy Abdul-Rahman sits beside her. Asmaa and her husband Omar fled their home near Damascus over one and half months ago, travelling through Lebanon then onto Turkey before crossing the Aegean to Greece.

A Syrian man comforted his wife after they arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean sea from the Turkey at night.

33-year-old Syrian refugee Ahmad from Aleppo prays immediately after landing on Greek shores on the island of Lesbos.

16-Year-old Syrian refugee Shahed is helped out the boat she crossed from Turkey to Lesbos in by a fellow passenger. She fled her home in Syria along with her parents and brother 10 days before.

Syrian refugee Suleiman, embraces one of his relatives after they swam the last 50 yards of their journey from Turkey to Lesvos. The boat they were travelling in along with their extended family broke down close to shore. He and few others decided to swim the last leg in order to get help before the others managed to start the engine minutes later.

Wet clothes belonging to a group of Syrian refugees who just crossed the Aegean from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos dry on some rocks.

A mixed group of Syrian refugees and other migrants walk towards the nearest town after landing on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean from Turkey.

Greek coastguard officials and port police together with paramedics lift an unidentified body believed to be a migrant from a boat which had sunk near the Eastern coast of Lesbos earlier that morning. The boat, which had been travelling from Turkey to Lesbos had gone down after colliding with another larger boat at roughly 4.30am in the morning. Out of the 48 people on board 20 had been rescued alive with one body recovered and the remaining 27 still missing.

Local Greek men from a volunteer fire crew try to put out a blaze on the coastal road connecting the North of Lesvos to the capital Mytilini. Many of the thousands of refugees who are landing on the island have to walk the 65km route in order to get the papers they require and catch a ferry on to the mainland. The men suspected that someone walking the route that morning had unwittingly started the fire by throwing a cigarette butt into the scrub. Of course it was not possible to verify the claim.

A Syrian refugee prays in the evening at Kara Tepe camp and registration centre near Mytilini.

A group of Syrian Refugees walk the last 5km stretch of their journey to the border between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Syrian refugees wait to deapart on trains from Croatia to the Slovenian border while Croatian police look on.

Syrian refugees smoke between rows of buses while they wait for theirs to depart from the Serbian border town of Presevo for the North East border with Croatia.

A group of Syrian refugees cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia under the cover of darkness. A local group of Macedonian volunteers, many of them Muslims themselves, helped guide the refugees with strong torches towards the informal crossing.

66-year-old Assyrian Christian refugee George Khuriye and his wife Chamoun wait to cross from Serbia into Croatia at the Babska crossing. Originally from Qamishle in Northern Syria, George and his brother fled along with their wives after ISIS began to take more and more control of the region.

A Syrian refugee who was sick after waiting throughout the night to cross the border from Serbia into Croatia waits to be taken off a bus after arriving at the Babska processing centre in Croatia.

A family of Syrian refugees gather their belongings after a short rest on the side of the road as they walked the final stretch of the journey towards the border between Serbia and Croatia.

Lais, a Syrian refugee who had lost his leg in an airstrike two year before, walked the the final stretch of the journey towards the border between Serbia and Croatia.

A young Syrian refugee stands beside an old bunker inside a hangar at Tempelhof airport.

One of three huge hangars at Tempelhof airport in Berlin that were opened to cope with the huge numbers of refugees that founf their way to Germany throughout 2015 and 2016.

A mixed group of Syrian and Afghan refugees try to swim to safety after the inflatable boat they were crossing from Turkey to Lesbos in burst and began to deflate 100m offshore.
As the sun goes down a group of mainly Syrian refugees arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean from Turkey.
Two young men from Syria embrace each other and cry tears of relief after reaching the Greek island of Lesbos late at night after crossing the Mytilini straits from Turkey in a inflatable boat.
35-year-old Syrian refugee Susan from Aleppo collapses from sea-sickness and fatigue after crossing the Aegean from Turkey to Lesbos with her husband and 3 children.
A group of mainly Syrian refugees arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean from Turkey.
Syrian refugee Asmaa holds her 6-month old baby Osman while her 5-year-old boy Abdul-Rahman sits beside her. Asmaa and her husband Omar fled their home near Damascus over one and half months ago, travelling through Lebanon then onto Turkey before crossing the Aegean to Greece.
A Syrian man comforted his wife after they arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean sea from the Turkey at night.
33-year-old Syrian refugee Ahmad from Aleppo prays immediately after landing on Greek shores on the island of Lesbos.
16-Year-old Syrian refugee Shahed is helped out the boat she crossed from Turkey to Lesbos in by a fellow passenger. She fled her home in Syria along with her parents and brother 10 days before.
Syrian refugee Suleiman, embraces one of his relatives after they swam the last 50 yards of their journey from Turkey to Lesvos. The boat they were travelling in along with their extended family broke down close to shore. He and few others decided to swim the last leg in order to get help before the others managed to start the engine minutes later.
Wet clothes belonging to a group of Syrian refugees who just crossed the Aegean from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos dry on some rocks.
A mixed group of Syrian refugees and other migrants walk towards the nearest town after landing on the Greek island of Lesbos having crossed the Aegean from Turkey.
Greek coastguard officials and port police together with paramedics lift an unidentified body believed to be a migrant from a boat which had sunk near the Eastern coast of Lesbos earlier that morning. The boat, which had been travelling from Turkey to Lesbos had gone down after colliding with another larger boat at roughly 4.30am in the morning. Out of the 48 people on board 20 had been rescued alive with one body recovered and the remaining 27 still missing.
Local Greek men from a volunteer fire crew try to put out a blaze on the coastal road connecting the North of Lesvos to the capital Mytilini. Many of the thousands of refugees who are landing on the island have to walk the 65km route in order to get the papers they require and catch a ferry on to the mainland. The men suspected that someone walking the route that morning had unwittingly started the fire by throwing a cigarette butt into the scrub. Of course it was not possible to verify the claim.
A Syrian refugee prays in the evening at Kara Tepe camp and registration centre near Mytilini.
A group of Syrian Refugees walk the last 5km stretch of their journey to the border between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Syrian refugees wait to deapart on trains from Croatia to the Slovenian border while Croatian police look on.
Syrian refugees smoke between rows of buses while they wait for theirs to depart from the Serbian border town of Presevo for the North East border with Croatia.
A group of Syrian refugees cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia under the cover of darkness. A local group of Macedonian volunteers, many of them Muslims themselves, helped guide the refugees with strong torches towards the informal crossing.
66-year-old Assyrian Christian refugee George Khuriye and his wife Chamoun wait to cross from Serbia into Croatia at the Babska crossing. Originally from Qamishle in Northern Syria, George and his brother fled along with their wives after ISIS began to take more and more control of the region.
A Syrian refugee who was sick after waiting throughout the night to cross the border from Serbia into Croatia waits to be taken off a bus after arriving at the Babska processing centre in Croatia.
A family of Syrian refugees gather their belongings after a short rest on the side of the road as they walked the final stretch of the journey towards the border between Serbia and Croatia.
Lais, a Syrian refugee who had lost his leg in an airstrike two year before, walked the the final stretch of the journey towards the border between Serbia and Croatia.
A young Syrian refugee stands beside an old bunker inside a hangar at Tempelhof airport.
One of three huge hangars at Tempelhof airport in Berlin that were opened to cope with the huge numbers of refugees that founf their way to Germany throughout 2015 and 2016.